Welcome to the WROAR RideMotorcycle ride supporting the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape | |||||||||
Contact the WROAR RideWe would like to hear from you! If you have questions about the event, or how you can get involved, please contact us.
Look for WROAR At Motorcycle Shows and EventsWROAR Ride committee members participate in motorcycle shows and events through the year. Look for the WROAR booth (pink tent) at motorcycle shows, and look for us on the entertainment stage at events too!WROAR Committee chair Alex (right), in an interview with Lindsay Thompson (in middle)and Frank Wood (off camera) at the Motorcycle SUPERSHOW in January
If you are a past participant in the WROAR Ride, we'd love to have a comment from you for our About WROAR page. If you have a question about how you can get involved and support our upcoming ride, please contact us at any of the links above.
The WROAR RIDE is in support of:
Note to visitors: this new 'low-wattage' version of the WROAR Ride website requires less electricity to view and generates less light pollution. A small savings that adds up with 3,000 to 4,000 visitors per month. Our way to rebalance the karma of our carbon footprint as internal combustion enthusiasts.
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Ride Info | WROAR News | About WROAR | Sponsors | Past WROAR | Links & Fun | Contact WROAR | Main Page |
WROAR Logo design by Aliki Karayan
The WROAR website was designed and hosted for "Women Ride Out Against Rape" by Andrea Goodman of AG WebServices